
Stars beyond reach release date
Stars beyond reach release date


The only reason that got an expansion was because of volunteers and modders who worked for passion and royalties (that would almost certainly never pay back the amount of hours they put in).Īfter that imploded and a bunch of staff got laid off, actually we did split up to where Keith started reworking big parts of SBR as its new lead designer, and he worked on that from Feb to May 2015. We had hoped that Starward Rogue would provide a quick uptick in sales, and while it was a quick game to make and came out very well, it's just far too niche to even make back the money we spent making it. It was a long and hard 15ish months prior to October 2015, and we were super burnt out and frustrated, and needed to put all of our effort into something new. We haven't touched code, made notes in a document, or done. I don't want to water it down at all, either.Īs far as actual work on Stars Beyond Reach goes, there hasn't been any touching of it at all since May of 2016 or so. Hopefully at some point the muse does find either Keith or I, or we find the right third partner for it. Even with a really understanding fanbase, people will buy it without really reading the fine print and then inevitably be angry later. Each part on its own is cool, but some of the parts will need to get tossed altogether or completely rebuilt or who knows what to make the final watch.įor EA, I think that would be a bit of a disaster since someone would inevitably feel we pulled a bait and switch, you know? Whatever feature we had to change or remove in order to make it a cohesive whole, if that was their favorite feature, they are going to be maaaad. We made dozens and dozens of cool parts to a really neat watch, metaphorically speaking, but we just can't get all those parts to fit together as a single watch that works the way we want. We didn't just run out of time and stop or something. In our case I have a feel that I want, and we have a whole lot of working parts, but the parts don't all fit together. Generally EA is for games that have a very distinctive vision in mind, and people expect them to be finished.

stars beyond reach release date

(That pun is inevitable low hanging fruit) TLDR: Its legacy will live on in various other titles we may do in the future, but this one was indeed beyond reach.

stars beyond reach release date


We will inevitably revisit some of the same themes and ideas in the future in other ways, but it won't be from digging up the code or art from this game itself (as good as both are). There are also inevitable complications with rights on various pieces of the direct work here, which would make it hard for us to revisit it from a financial sense. The actual game itself, as it exists in these screenshots, is based on a UI system we no longer use or want to use, an art pipeline that is no longer compatible with how we make games, and a far older version of our codebase. Stars Beyond Reach was to be our magnum opus, and so many things were going right with it, and we spent a ton of money on it, but ultimately it's just another one for the R&D pile. The difference with all those other projects is that we spent far less money working on them, and they never had any presence on Steam or any other storefront. Cretaceous was a cool dinosaur-themed citybuilder/risk-like that gave some inspiration to Stars Beyond Reach. Starport 28 was a promising idea that wasn't visually legible in the sort of art we could do. Exodus of the Machine was one that had a huge bunch of art done on it. We actually have had many projects that went through some amount of R&D before being shelved, some with public testing and some without. Many of the technical achievements that we made with this game - or indeed with the also ill-fated In Case of Emergency, Release Raptor - went on to directly have a positive impact on AI War 2. So a lot of the great ideas from this game, the parts that worked, will probably wind up finding their way into the DNA of our other projects.


Releasing it in a half-baked format also doesn't seem like a great idea, even at a very low or free price.

stars beyond reach release date

Releasing into Early Access is not an option, because once we take your money we are obligated to somehow figure it out. We had over 100 testers in our alpha versions, and a lot of them did have fun, but the experience as a whole never truly gelled.

stars beyond reach release date

We had to step back from this in 2015, and moved on to other projects. Why Unlikely To Release?We spent a long time working on this game, and ultimately it never reached the level of being fun.

Stars beyond reach release date